TBR Challenge | 24 in 24

This is my first published dashboard this year, making it 1 out of my goal of 24 dashses in 2024.

This one came from my need to visualize my owned, unread books to focus on my goal of reading through my entire TBR (to be read). It turns out I own 164 unread books— & on average I read about 52 books a year, so I have just over three years of reading in my house (yikes).

I want to say I won’t be buying any more books until I read my entire TBR…

So, instead, maybe this will at least help me limit my buying.

One way this dashboard helps is by randomizing the title chosen for me next, eliminating my decision paralysis and getting me to read books that have sat on my shelf, ignored for far too long. Already, one of my favorite reads this year is one I don’t think I would have ever chosen with my own free will.

If this sounds interesting at all, please visit this link to take a look at the mountain of reading ahead of me, or below with the embedded dash. Enjoy!


Getting to d3.js: Bootstrap


Getting to d3.js: Grid